1983 - 1987
Bachelor of Physics, Department of Physics, National Central University, Taiwan
1989 - 1991
Master of Physics, Department of Physics, University of Oregon, USA
1992 - 1995
Ph.D., Department of Physics and Astronomy, Brown University, USA
2021/02 -
Professor, Department of Electrophysics, Natl. Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
2011/08 - 2021/01
Professor, Department of Electrophysics, Natl. Chiao Tung University
1996/08 - 2011/07
Associate Prof., Dept. of Electrophysics, Natl. Chiao Tung University
1995 - 1996
Associate researcher, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, USA
1987 - 1989
Teaching assistant, Department of Physics, National Central University
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics. Current topics include magneto-transport studies in gate confined mesoscopically quantum devices and magnetization reversal studies in sub-micrometric patterned magnetic systems.