德國萊布尼茲光學技術研究所 合聘
1998 - 2004
1994 - 1998
2021/02 -
教授, 國立陽明交通大學 電子物理系
2016 -
科學家, 德國耶拿大學阿貝中心 ( Abbe Center of Photonics)​
2016 -
組長, 德國萊布尼茲光學技術研究所 (Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology​)​奈米光學研究中心
2016 - 2016
客座教授, 德國耶拿大學阿貝中心 ( Abbe Center of Photonics)
2015/08 - 2016/07
副教授, 國立清華大學 化學系
2010/08 - 2015/07
助理教授, 國立清華大學 化學系
2007 - 2010
博士後研究, 德國符茲堡大學 (Würzburg Universität) 實驗物理系
2006 - 2007
少尉訓練官及情報官, 中華民國陸軍化學兵群
2004 - 2006
博士後研究員, 中央研究院原分所
  1. 奈米光天線與光電路
  2. 奈米尺度光物理與光化學
  3. 掌性奈米光學
  4. 超解析顯微術
  5. 單粒子與單分子光譜術。
  1. “Robust Room Temperature Valley Polarization in Monolayer and Bilayer WS2” Nayak, P. K.; Lin, F.-C.; Yeh, C.-H.; Huang, J.-S.*, Chiu, P.-W.* Nanoscale 2016, 8, 6035-6042.
  2. “Single-Crystalline Aluminum Nanostructures on a Semiconducting GaAs Substrate for Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared Plasmonics” Liu, H.-W.; Lin, F.-C.; Lin, S.-W.; Wu, J.-Y.; Chou, B.-T.; Lai, K.-J.; Lin, S.-D.; Huang, J.-S.* ACS Nano 2015, 9, 3875–3886.
  3. “The Modulation Effect of Transverse, Antibonding, and Higher-Order Longitudinal Modes on the Two-Photon Photoluminescence of Gold Plasmonic Nanoantennas” Chen, W.-L.; Lin, F.-C.; Lee, Y.-Y.; Li, F.-C.; Chang, Y.-M.; Huang, J.-S.* ACS Nano 2014, 8, 9053-9062.
  4. “Mode conversion in high-definition plasmonic optical nanocircuits” Dai, W.-H.; Lin, F.-C.; Huang, C.-B.; Huang, J.-S.* Nano Letters 2014, 14, 3881-3886.
  5. “Slant-gap plasmonic nanoantennas for optical chirality engineering and circular dichroism enhancement” Lin, Daniel; Huang, J.-S.* Optics Express 2014, 22, 7434-7445.
  6. “Transport and trapping in two-dimensional nanoscale plasmonic optical lattice” Chen, K.-Y.; Lee, A.-T.; Hung, C.-C.; Huang, J.-S.*; Yang, Y.-T.* Nano Letters 2013, 13, 4118-4122.
  7. “The influence of shell thickness of Au@TiO2 core-shell nanoparticles on plasmonic enhancement effect in dye- sensitized solar cells” Liu, W.-L.; Lin, F.-C.; Yang, Y.-C.; Gwo, Shangjr; Huang, M. H.; Huang, J.-S.* Nanoscale 2013, 5, 7953-7962.
  8. “Plasmonic Mode Converter for Controlling Optical Impedance and Nanoscale Light-matter Interaction” Hung, Y.-T.; Huang, C.-B.; Huang, J.-S.* Optics Express 2012, 20, 20342-20355. (selected for the “Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics”)
  9. “Nanoantennas for visible and infrared radiation” Biagioni, P.; Huang, J.-S.; Hecht, B.* Rep. Prog. Phys., 2012, 75, 024402. (Invited Review)
  10. “Atomically flat single-crystalline gold nanostructures for plasmonic nanocircuitry“ Huang, J.-S.*; Callegari, V.; Geisler, P.; Brüning, C.; Kern, J.; Prangsma, J. C.; Wu, X.; Feichtner, T.; Ziegler, J.; Weinmann, P.; Kamp, M.; Forchel, A.; Biagioni, P.; Sennhauser, U.; Hecht, B.* Nature Communications, 2010, 1, 150.