科學三館 SC 462
科學三館 SC 435 分機 56192
國立台灣大學電機系 學士
  1. 超弦理論
  2. 量子場論
  3. 物理數學
  1. High-energy string scattering and space-time symmetry of string theory
  2. Regge string and Field theory scatterings
  3. Strongly correlated electron systems
  4. Exactly solvable quantum systems
  1. J.C. Lee and Y. Yang, “Review on High energy String Scattering Amplitudes and Symmetries of String Theory”, arXiv 1510.03297 (2015).(315 pages, invited review article for Symmetry).
  2. S.H. Lai, J.C. Lee and I.H. Tsai, Biquaternion and ADHM construction of non-compact SL(2,C) Yang-Mills instanton”, Annals of Phys.361 (2015)14.
  3. 物理專文「弦論的高能對論」2014.10
  4. J.C. Lee and Y. Mitsuka, “Recurrence relations of Kummer functions and Regge string scattering amplitudes”, JHEP 1304,082 (2013).
  5. S.L. Ko, J.C. Lee, and Y.Yang, “Patterns of High energy Massive String Scatterings in the Regge regime”, JHEP 06 (2009) 028.
  6. C. Chan, P.M. Ho, J.C. Lee, S. Teraguchi, Y. Yang, “High-energy zero-norm states and symmetries of string theory”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 96 (2006) 171601.
  7. C. Chan, P.M. Ho, J.C. Lee, S. Teraguchi, Y. Yang, “Solving all 4-point correlation functions for bosonic open string theory in the high energy limit”, Nucl.Phys. B 725, 352 (2005).
  8. C. Chan and J.C. Lee, “Stringy symmetries and their high-energy limits”, Phys. Lett.B 611, 193 (2005).
  9. C. Chan and J.C. Lee, “Zero norm states and high-energy symmetries of string theory”, Nucl. Phys. B 690, 3 (2004).
  10. H.C.Kao, B. Rosenstein and J. C. Lee, “Systematic low temperature expansion in Ginzburg-Landau model”, Phys. Rev. B 61, 12352 (2000).
  11. J. C. Lee and X.G. Wen, “electron and quasipartical exponents of Haldane-Rezayi state in nonAbelian fractional quantum Hall theory”, Nucl. Phys. B 542, 647 (1999)2014