國立陽明交通大學111學年度 理學院理論與計算物理中心CTCP論文暨專題研究競賽
更新日期 2022-09-13

l 收件截止(Deadline of the paper collection):2022/9/30(五) 17:00,please send to CTCP assistant:jennytsai72@nycu.edu.tw / 03-5712121#56228
l 初審結束(First-round Review):In early November, we will announce the names of the contestants who have passed the first-round review. They are invited to attend the 2nd-round review. 11月初,複審名單另行公告
l 複審(壁報展2nd-round review–Poster Exhibition):End of November. 11月底(選定周間2天中午)
l 頒獎(Award Ceremony):In early December.12月初
貳、地點(Place):In the center court and 1F of Science building #3 .中庭、一樓(雨備:可能借用次軒廳、會議室進行)
參、參賽對象(contestants qualifications):Students (including both undergraduate and graduate students) and postdocs of the Department of Electrophysics and the Institute of Physics whose supervisors are professors of these two departments are qualified for this competition. .
肆、徵收稿件(Application Materials):We accept research works in the field of theoretical physics. Details are given below: 理論物理領域相關之研究
● 大學部/碩士班(Undergraduate/Master students):research project report or thesis, a letter of recommendation and other favorable review documents.專題研究報告或論文、推薦信一封及其他有利審查文件
● 博士班/博後(PhD students /Postdocs):Research papers that are either published or accepted (with acceptance letter required) from 2021/3/16 to 2022/9/16, a letter of recommendation(postdocs not required), and other favorable review documents.自2021/3/16~2022/9/16期間已發表/已被接受(需附接受函)之論文、推薦信一封(博士後不需推薦信)及其他有利審查文件
伍、評審(Reviewers):Professors of CTCP. CTCP教授為主,如有需要可視投稿領域邀請外部評審